Newminimalists have accepted that 2020 is going to get worse not better.
Hell is here for those of you who refuse to change [see photo]. The change you must make is that you must be prepared to "start all over again".
For each of you this experience of "hell" will be different. But one thing will be common for those who survive and thrive is they will be honest with themselves. They will learn to be highly disciplined with the use of debt, talent, opportunities, and colleagues. They will make bold assessments about their current assets and liabilities [many 2019 assets suddenly become 2020 liabilities].
Those who survive and thrive will become the best version they can of minimal-you [this is the core idea behind the concept of Newminimalism].
Minimal-you is why you will "transmogrify from this cocoon of hell" into something great in future years but it is not an automatic fix for you in 2020.
Step one. Denounce modern 'group think' and sameness. Give-up "collectives wants" and concentrate on "individual needs". The group think and the mindlessness attached to this fashionable nonsense [about what is ahead of all of us in 2020] is becoming a "mind virus" that can, and will, change you without your consent.
Step two. Change your habits so they best fit your personal needs. Remember. Habits shape behaviours.
Step three. Create new belief sets . Shunt those worn-out beliefs bequeath to you by your parents, teachers, priests, coaches, mentors, etc.
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