We live in a world that is "full to the brim" with lies [see photo].
Gone is truth, trust, fidelity, morality, etc. and instead we live with deceit, scepticism, disaffection, evil, etc. I grew up in times when lies were present but not prevalent because the truth telling was highly valued. Today liars receive all the accolades.
I do not need the truth to live a wholesome life [I am a minimalist after all] but I can not abide the incessant promulgation of lies. The lies are easily spotted as are the liars. However the punishments today are being metered out to truth tellers whilst liars roam free.
"Liar, liar, pants on fire".... was a common children's chant when I was a boy. Equally we would chant what our grandmother's taught us "sticks and stone will break my bones but words can never hurt me". There are no "pants on fire" today but there are "words" that can hurt you. I guess this means I was socialised to live in other times than these. And sadly, perhaps, I have socialised my sons to do the same.
Social evolution has stalled on a bevy of lies and rest with the stewardship of liars.