Gaza... That word that tells me all I need to know about life on planet Earth today... Above is an image that is the end result of pure cowardice. The cowards among us preach about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, and what is fair.
See the photo above and ask yourself. Is life on the Gaza Strip fair for these kids? Is life for these kids just? Did they fail to do what is right? Did they do what is wrong?
I have had a gut full of the cowards who perpetuate destruction. Destruction of culture. Destruction of civility. Destruction of rational debate. Destruction of the future. I am ashamed to be a human being. I know that I let those three kids down [see photo]. I know that I hide behind the fact that I am an old guy. Sure I did go into to politics aged thirty and I did give of my best BUT my best was simply not good enough.
Even the successes I had with long-term public policy solutions are being undone to the extent that I wake each day, in my senior years, to find the same symptoms of decay and destruction persist. We are revisiting our past failures and the issues are ten times worse.
Gaza is a symptom of the insanity, madness, evil, corruption, and sheer bloody mindedness that pervades our world. My kids, your kids, and most certainly those three innocent kids in the photo deserve better than what they have and will have in the future [see photo].
Gaza is a symbol of what is happening today. Along the Gaza Strip kids are being forsaken by the adults who are suppose to protect and care for them - I see no end to this insanity.