The art of archery on social media....
In realms of social media the bow is context and the arrow is content [see photo]. Recently the bow has changed shape, balance, power,...
The art of archery on social media....
Faces of you....
"One think" Utopia is my Dystopia
I spy with my little eye - "sameness"....
Ask Alexa - "do you like Kandinsky?"
A practical guide to "outside-in" change
Who can exist outside the collective?
The magic moments in life...
The jellyfish economy.....
Minimalism burns scented candles....
A spider focuses on her needs....
What are you famous for?
Think free and soar
Collaboration or cooperation?
Are you digital prey?
Cost:Quality ratio - key to a better life.
Successful people see the "big picture"
Did you know?
A life is not set in stone....