The negotiation skill you need...
There is an unbelievable stock of books that will tell you "how to negotiate". I even wrote one myself ["Learning to love Albert"]. I...
The negotiation skill you need...
Living and working inside a cult....
Impeachment is fun TV - it's a love-in......
Get"real you"to phone home like E.T.
Business lessons from Oakland Raiders...
The "attention economy" is opaque...
The free market makes my life better...
I cooked myself a steak....
We have all been Googled...
Bring change to yourself and others...
Bring real change to yourself and others
"If you're going to San Francisco".....
Unlimited talent surrounds you....
Get the colleagues you need....
At your best you are a "start-up"....
Where creativity goes to die....
The next frontier is your inner self...
Being and belonging....
Removing the lipstick from your pig...